Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I had a beautifully written, articulate, gripping post written about how I hoped Congresswoman Jackie Speier wouldn't run for State Attorney General, as she was considering doing... and then she decided not to run. Thus negating my entire post. And depriving you, my readership, of several witty, insightful paragraphs. In a way, I'm even more upset with her now than I was when she was just considering running. (Just kidding!)

Well, what I was going to say (and which Jackie Speier apparently agrees with me on) is that as long as Congress is full of faux-Democrats like Chris Dodd and Melissa Bean threatening to block financial reform, rather than protecting the consumers and middle-class families who have been hurt the most by predatory lenders, credit card companies, and big banks, we need as many real progressives in there as possible sticking up for working Americans. And Speier has a record of doing just that. So good for her.

1 comment:

  1. *snort* Sorry David, you're just too on the money!
